Cross country ↑ all posts

A long day heading cross country towards Bonifacio. Rather than following the winding coastal road any further I figured that I could save some time by following the main road for a bit. Bad idea really as it resulted in over 6000 feet of climbing in the sweltering sunshine, no coastal breezes here! Black seed pods were bursting from the heat, a staccato popping which took me a while to identify.
I reached the coast again at Propriano, but couldn’t find anywhere inspiring to camp so I pushed on southwards. I discovered one of the perils of cycling with my top unzipped: a 60 km/h collision with some sort of stinging insect, which hit me in the chest like a bullet. By the time I’d managed to slow down and get rid of it, it had painfully stung me 3 or 4 times. Recovering from this brutal attack, I reached the south coast I found a lovely campsite in a boulder field amongst the trees.