Kai arrives! ↑ all posts

Kai arrives in Marseilles for a few days! So good to see a friendly face again, especially when it’s your wonderful girlfriend! She tells me I’ve lost weight which I use as an excuse to start eating more. Kai’s US credit card reward scheme results in us getting a cheap deal in a hotel right on the harbour in arseilles. It’s bizarre staying in a hotel after almost 60 days of tent, bunkbeds in hostels, or couches in friend’s houses.
We walk up to the Basilique for panoramic views over the city, and hop on the Petit Train to get back to the harbour. There are streets filled with restaurants just behind our hotel and we end up eating bouillabaisse (local fish soup speciality) and drinking Provence rosé wine - quite a dramatic change from my regular diet of baguette, cheese, and maybe a packet of biscuits!
Next few days will be spent driving around Provence before Kai heads back to the US and I get back on my bike.