The monasteries of Meteora ↑ all posts

eteora is an area of huge sandstone pillars rising out of the surrounding plains. On top of six of these are orthodox monasteries, perched improbably above hundreds of feet of vertical rock. The monasteries are now accessible by a combination of road, steep steps, and bridges. Originally the monks and nuns would access them via a series of rickety ladders, or by being winched up in nets. The access was deliberately difficult, a test of faith, the ropes suspending the nets were replaced only “when the Lord let them break”.
I cycled up the hill from my campsite at the base of the rocks, and visited the Great Monastery - the largest and most important of the six. If you managed to forget the fact that it was built on the top of a massive pillar of rock, the interior was fairly unremarkable - a pretty standard orthodox church and the standard collection of icons and religious artefacts. Great views to the other monasteries and down to the town far below.
Back on the bike and I was soon out in the flat farmland I had seen from Meteora. Another hot day, but I was starting to get used to the heat, or at least getting used to drinking far more than I was used to. I arrived in Elassona late in the evening, feeling tired but not as awful as I had two days previously. Maybe getting the hang of Greek cycling!